

Born in 1998 in Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture, currently residing in Osaka Prefecture.
After graduating from university, I gained experience in metal processing in my hometown.
In 2022, I started a new career as a front-end engineer at a web development company in Osaka.
Currently, I am mainly involved in developing user-friendly and attractive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
I continuously aim to grow by leveraging my past experiences while embracing the latest technologies and design trends.


Here are the services I offer:
Web design and development: If you need help with web design or development.
Website modifications and improvements:
If you want to revise or enhance an existing website.
Please feel free to get in touch with any inquiries.

  • Website production

    Website production

    We will conduct thorough interviews and create an attractive website.

  • Website modification

    Website modification

    We will respond to requests such as improving your website or adding new pages.

  • Other/Consultation


    We accept inquiries regarding website production and design issues.


Free Consultation
We will discuss the purpose, scale, and delivery schedule of your website.
Whether it's questions like "What is a website?" or "Do I really need one?", or concerns such as "This is my first time, and I'm worried," feel free to consult with us. We will explain everything so that you fully understand.
Based on the information gathered during the free consultation, we will propose a plan that fits your budget.
We will carefully explain the quotation details and the process if you decide to proceed, allowing you to consider your options.
If you are satisfied with the quotation, we will proceed with the contract. You will be required to pay half of the production cost as an initial payment.
Start Production
We will begin production.
We will provide regular updates on the progress to ensure there are no discrepancies with your expectations, and make adjustments as needed.
Final Check
You will conduct a final review of the website.
If there are any corrections or adjustments needed, we will address them at this stage. Our goal is to ensure that you are completely satisfied before the website goes live.
Delivery & Launch
Once the final check is complete, we will launch the website online.
After confirming the payment of the remaining balance, we will guide you through the publication process and how to update the website.
Maintenance & Operation
We offer one month of free after-sales support.
If long-term support is required, we will propose a maintenance plan. Maintenance and operation details will be explained during the initial consultation before the contract.


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I am conducting website production in Osaka.

Delivering excellence through design and code.

From Basics to Advanced:
Web Development Tips and Tricks

From Basics to Advanced:
Web Development Tips and Tricks